2. Međunarodna konferencija “Iseljenički turizam”

2 min čitanja

2. Međunarodna konferencija “Iseljenički turizam”, 17.-18.5.2019., Split, Croatia

Molimo sve zainteresirane za sudjelovanje na 2. Međunarodnoj konferenciji “Iseljenički turizam”, koja će se održati od 17. i 18. svibnja 2019. u Palači Milesi, HAZU, Trg Braće Radića 3, u Splitu, da pošalju prijavu i sažetak svoga predavanja do 30. 4. 2019. Sažetak treba sadržavati: naslov rada, ime i prezime autora, titulu, instituciju koju predstavlja, tekst do 200 riječi te 5-7 ključnih riječi.
Predavanja će biti na hrvatskom ili, po izboru, i na engleskom jeziku. 

They will be answering “some of your questions that you always had…. And [Discussing] interesting topics like the Croatian Dream: What is that Croatian Dream? How to build something in Croatia? how to stop spending money on something you don’t need and actually put money into the things that will build your business in Croatia.”

The Overarching Goal of the Diaspora Conference is to find ways to Integrate all Croatians as one and to forge the future of the Croatian identity both in Croatia and abroad through social, economic and political solutions. Hear the stories of successful returnees who are making a difference in Croatia. 

Some of the Panel Discussion include: 

1. Successful stories of returnees who have invested in Croatian tourism
2. The Croatian dream
3. The past and the future of the Croatian returnees
4.  Diaspora tourism & investments
5. Health & wellness tourism
6. Croatia as a brand
7. Diaspora culture shock
8. Integration into Croatian businesses
9. Croatian tourism startups
10. Pitch session – innovative Croatian companies
11. The creation of tourism product and the cooperation among the tourist industry
12.  Development niches of diaspora tourism: culture, creativity & events

To register, find out more or to watch the Diaspora Tourism Conference you can visit their website at: cro-diasporacongress.com


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