Our Australians at the Games

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One of the top medal winners of these games was Tomislav Klarić (33) from Adelaide. This is his third showing at the Croatian World Games. He picked up two medals in tennis: gold in the doubles and bronze in the singles competition.

There was practically not a single one of the competition disciplines at the fourth Croatian World Games one could visit without hearing from afar the clarion call ‘Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!’ and the thunderous response of ‘Oi, oi, oi!’
Australian Croatians were truly the good spirits of the fourth Croatian World Games in Zagreb. Brilliant from the bleachers they were also outstanding in the sports disciplines. They took medals in football (soccer) and tennis.
One of the top medal winners of these games, declared closed on the 22nd of July, was Tomislav Klarić (33). This young man from Adelaide has already done what many young emigrants are hoping for, having moved from Australia to Zagreb. This is his third showing at the Croatian World Games. He picked up two medals in tennis: gold in the doubles and bronze in the singles competition.
“It was excellent, very nice. It’s always a great time, great people and great fun,” said a delighted Tomislav.

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