Post Scriptum poetry collection promo

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Joining the author to present the book were Friar Veselko Grubišić, Ante Šoljić and Marin Ivanović. The event, organised by the monastery of the Franciscan Friars Minor and the Dubrovnik branch office of the Croatian Heritage Foundation, was moderated by Maja Mozara, with Tomislav Žerovnik on hand to provide for the musical portion of the evening.

Friar Jakov Rafael Romić’s Post Scriptum was presented on the 30th of September at the monastery of the Franciscan Friars Minor. Joining the author to present the book were Friar Veselko Grubišić, Ante Šoljić and Marin Ivanović. The event was moderated by Maja Mozara, with Tomislav Žerovnik on hand to provide for the musical portion of the evening. The event was organised by the monastery of the Franciscan Friars Minor and the Dubrovnik branch office of the Croatian Heritage Foundation.
Jakov Rafael Romić was born in Rakitno (Herzegovina) in 1939. He completed his elementary and secondary school education in Dubrovnik, Zadar and Pazin before moving on to study philosophy and theology in Pazin, Zadar and Zagreb, where he earned his undergrad licentiate in 1966. As a member of the Franciscan province of St Jerome in Zadar he was ordained into the priesthood in 1964. He graduated philosophy at the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome in 1970, earning the academic title of doctor of philosophy.
From the completion of his studies to 1975 Romić taught at the Franciscan school of philosophy in Dubrovnik, at the Institute for Theological Lay Culture in Zagreb and at the Faculty of Philosophy of The Antonianum in Rome. In 1975 he spent a half-year anchoring a Croatian language television programme in New York, and worked on a Croatian language faith radio show through to 1980. From 1980 to 2009 he served as the parish priest of the Sankt Kilian parish in Wiesbaden (Germany). He returned his Croatian homeland in 2009 and now works and lives at the monastery of the Franciscan Friars Minor in Dubrovnik.
Jakov Rafael Romić participated in the dialogue between Christians and Marxists, working with the magazines Svesci, Jukić, Crkva u svijetu, Journal of Ecumenical Studies and others. He has published the books De dialogo inter marxistas et christianos (The Dialogue Between Christians and Marxists), Vicenza 1972; Personalistička etika (Personalistic Ethics), Zagreb 1973; U vremenu s Kristom (In Time With Christ), Zagreb 1991 and Gedanken zur Freiheit (Thoughts on Freedom), Wiesbaden 1985. These three books were issued as a single volume Koraci prema slobodi (Steps towards Freedom), Zagreb 1994. He has also authored In der nun folgenden minuten (In the Following Minutes), two collections of short stories in German.
Romić has also published nine collections of poetry in Croatian under the title Otuđenje banovina slobode (Despoilment of Free Banovina) (Split – Duvno 1980; Zagreb 1997, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2013) and in German one of the two editions under the title Libertas (Wiesbaden, 1990 and 1992) and two collections under the title Entfremdung das reich der freiheit (Zagreb 2004 and 2009). He also published a collection of poetry titled S Franjom Asiškim već osam stoljeća (Eight Centuries with Francis of Assisi) (Zagreb, 2012).

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