The literary evening was opened by the head of our branch office in Rijeka Dejan Miculinić. Also on hand to speak of the history of the emigration and the lives of Croatians in distant Chile was the head of the Split branch office of the CHF Branka Bezić Filipović.
The historic setting of the Frankopan castle in Kraljevica was the scene September 24th of a literary evening dedicated to Chilean writer of Croatian extraction Josefa Alvina Turina Turina, better known as Pepita Turina. Her parents, Ivan Turina, a native of Bakarac, and mother Elizabeta Turina, a native of the now abandoned village of Turinovo Selo in the hinterland of the town of Kraljevica, arrived in Punta Arenas in Chile in 1892 as part of a wave of immigrants. Pepita was born there as their twelfth child.The literary evening, organised by the Croatian Heritage Foundation, was opened by the head of our branch office in Rijeka Dejan Miculinić. Also on hand to speak of the history of the emigration and the lives of Croatians in distant Chile was the head of the Split branch office of the CHF Branka Bezić Filipović.
The highlight of the evening was the screening of a film about the life and historic background to the work of Pepita Turina. The screening was followed by an open discussion on the history of emigration from the Kraljevica area.
Text by: Dejan Miculinić