US Senator Mark Begich visits Vukovar

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Begich told reporters that he was delighted to have met with the mayor of Vukovar and, as a person of Croatian extraction, to be in Croatia.

Vukovar mayor Ivan Penava played host on the 11th of October to Mark Begich, a senator in the Congress of the United States of America and the special advisor to Hillary Clinton, one of the candidates running to be the next president of the USA, on relations with Croatians and Croatia. Penava acquainted Begich with the economic conditions and development outlook of Vukovar.

Begich told reporters that he was delighted to have met with the mayor of Vukovar and, as a person of Croatian extraction, to be in Croatia. He said he related to mayor Penava his own experiences while serving as mayor of the Alaskan city of Anchorage.

“Our problems are similar. We also talked about economic development and we exchanged a number of ideas,” Begich said (

Asked by reporters what a possible Clinton election victory could mean for relations between Croatia and the United States of America, Begich said that candidate Clinton had addressed the Croatian community during her campaign, reaffirming the strong political interest the United States has in this region, adding that Croatia was a strong and recognised partner to the United States.

US Senator Begich said he believed Clinton would win the US presidential election. The fact that she reached out to the Croatian community in her campaign to learn more about Croatians and Croatia, and Croatians in central Bosnia, he says, shows the great interest American policymakers have in this region.

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