This year the school is dedicated to its founder Dr Ivan Ivančan, a recognised Croatian ethnologist, choreographer and researcher who passed away ten years ago.
One hundred ten attendees of this year’s Winter School of Folklore staged their closing concert on the 12th of January at Domoljub Hall in Koprivnica. On hand for the event was Deputy County Prefect Ivan Pal.
Ahead of the concert the gathered were welcomed by Croatian Heritage Foundation acting director Mirjana Ana-Maria Piskulić, who underlined the importance of the Winter School of Folklore in the preservation of the cultural heritage of Croatians, especially those that have lived outside the homeland for multiple generations.
Also there to welcome all the participants and leaders of the school was Deputy County Prefect Ivan Pal. “It is a particular honour for Koprivnica-Križevci County to have been selected for the second time to host this school,” he said, adding that, “this enriches the cultural life of this region and allows citizens and institutions in this county to take part in the preservation of Croatia’s folklore heritage.”
The final concert is an opportunity for participants of the school to showcase their newly acquired knowledge and skills and for visitors to enjoy the dances, folk costumes, the songs and instruments of the Dinaric region, the skilful playing of the tamburitza and other traditional Croatian musical instruments.
It should be noted that the Winter School of Folklore aims to educate leaders and members of Croatian folklore and tamburitza ensembles. Along with practical dance lectures the school also saw numerous lectures on kinetography (dance notation) and the basics of children’s folklore.
The school is organised by the Croatian Heritage Foundation. This year it is dedicated to its founder Dr Ivan Ivančan, a recognised Croatian ethnologist, choreographer and researcher who passed away ten years ago.
Ethnologist and head of the Winter School of Folklore Andrija Ivančan spoke at the end of the concert. He thanked Koprivnica-Križevci County, the Koprivnica-Križevci County Federation of Culture & Arts Associations, Hotel Podravina and the City of Koprivnica for their support and all the participants for their great effort and motivation.