Meeting G2.4 Offers a Look at the Future

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The fourth Meeting G2 event saw over seventy successful business people from nineteen countries and aims to network businesses in the country and in the diaspora communities

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović opened the Meeting G2.4 A Look in the Future conference on the 13th of November. This, the fourth Meeting G2 event, focused on opening business ties between Croatians abroad and in the homeland, was staged at the Forum Z congress centre in Zagreb and pooled over 150 business people from the country and abroad. Over seventy successful business people travelled from nineteen countries looking to set up business ties with Croatia, with both Australia and Austria fielding over twenty participants.

The conference proceedings got under way in the afternoon with a competition among eight Croatian start-up firms, each of which was allotted ten minutes to present their innovative projects to gathered investors. A panel of business professionals and entrepreneurs from Croatia and abroad selected RioBot as the top offer, an artificial intelligence based chatbot that facilitates making reservations and keeping an eye on reservations already made for a wide range of service providers.

During the Who is Who in G2 session each participant was provided one minute in which to present their business and who they were looking to create contacts with. This facilitated the targeted exchange of contact information after the event and creating business collaboration. The State Office for Croats Abroad showcased its project to create a registry of Croatian entities abroad, which aims to improve networking among people in the diaspora and in the country. By the end of the year there will be pilot projects in three countries (Germany, the United States of America and Argentina) that will provide data on people and entities in these countries, while users will be able to express their networking targets related to specific events and organisations. The concept behind the registry is to serve as a platform for communication between all its users.

The conference includes seven panel discussions with over forty participants. Details on this year’s event programme and the gatherings to date are available at the site.

(Goran Pivarski

Photography: Ratko Mavar

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