The Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb conducts a project “Croatian as a heritage language: current state and developmental perspectives” (main researcher Lidija Cvikic, PhD) in cooperation with Croatian Heritage Organization. It is a comprehensive research on the usage and learning of the Croatian language abroad aimed at gathering data needed for further development and improvement of the Croatian learning curriculum and consequently to the maintenance of the Croatian language abroad.
For this purpose a questionnaire is designed which can be found and fill out at the web site of Croatian Heritage Organization. The questionnaire is completely anonymous. All personal data gathered by it will be confidential and available exclusively to researchers and research results are intended for scientific purposes only. It takes 15 – 20 minutes to fill out the questionnaire.
We would kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire and help us with collecting the data. Your help and cooperation is extremely important to us and we really appreciate it! Thank you!