Consul Mikac and mayor Balg congratulated the association on its milestone. Association president Mašić thanked the membership, in particular the football (soccer) team, and presented letters of appreciation.
The Zagreb Croatian Sports Association of Arbon celebrated its fiftieth anniversary at a packed Seeparksaal event centre in Arbon, Switzerland on the 2nd of February, and the thirtieth anniversary of the traditional party organised by the association. Numerous members, sympathisers, guests of honour and others were welcomed by the association’s president Robert Mašić, greeting in particular Croatian general consul Slobodan Mikac and Arbon mayor Andreas Balg.
Consul Mikac and mayor Balg congratulated the association on its milestone. Association president Mašić spoke of the five decades of activity and thanked all the members on their efforts, in particular the football (soccer) team. He presented letters of appreciation to the group’s first president Branko Kengler and to the oldest members, Branko Preglej, Karlo Blažeković, Nikola Rebrin, Alojz Pančiško, Slavko Matijević and Drago Ružek.
On hand to provide entertainment and a great atmosphere for the fiftieth anniversary party were the Slavonia Band and Mate Bulić. The party was preceded by a traditional football tournament pooling seventeen teams.
The fifty years of sporting and thirty years of culture activity are truly praiseworthy as the association has been a place where many ethnic Croatians living in this part of Switzerland have found a piece of the old homeland.
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