Australian-Born Novković Joins Croatian Aerobatic Team

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1st lieutenant Novković became the latest member of the Wings of Storm aerobatic team of the Croatian Air Force. Born in Melbourne in 1989, the 1st lieutenant is the youngest member of the current line-up of the aerobatic team. He now lives in Zadar and earned an aeronautics degree in 2013.

On the 5th of March 1st lieutenant Marko Novković became the latest member of the Krila Oluje (Wings of Storm) aerobatic team of the Croatian Air Force. Born in Melbourne, Australia in 1989, the 1st lieutenant is the youngest member of the current line-up of the Krila Oluje team. He now lives in Zadar and earned an aeronautics degree in 2013. He has logged some 600 hours to date.

After his successful test flight 1st lieutenant Novković received the group’s insignia from the aerobatic team head captain Darko Belančić and the trademark red flight suit the team performs in when appearing at shows in the country and abroad.

“The love of my homeland brought me to Croatia from Australia, and this is a memorable day for me to join the Croatian national flight team. I am honoured and will do my best to justify the trust and contribute to the successes of the Wings of Storm,” Novković said for the official defence ministry Internet site.

1st lieutenant Novković completed his flight training in the Fixed Wing Squadron of the 93rd Air Base at the Pukovnik Mirko Vukušić Barracks in Zemunik. As a new member Novković will begin practicing for the 2019 show season with the full team of six pilots. The Wings of Storm team was established on the 10th anniversary of Operation Storm and has performed 187 times, 135 times in the country and 52 times abroad.


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