The gathered were addressed by ambassador Daniela Barišić, head of office Zvonko Milas and director Marin Knezović. In their speeches they congratulated the organisation on its great success in bringing together over 1,300 members in Skopje and local chapters across Macedonia and expressed their desire to further support its work.
The 20th anniversary of the Croatian Community in Macedonia was celebrated at the packed Macedonian National Theatre in Skopje on the 24th of April. On hand for the celebration was Daniela Barišić, the Croatian ambassador to Macedonia and guests from Croatia: Zvonko Milas and Milan Bošnjak of the State Office for Croats Abroad, Marin Knezović and Diana Mašala Perković from the Croatian Heritage Foundation, and monsignor Antun Cirimotić and don Davor Topić on behalf of the Catholic church.
The gathered were addressed by ambassador Daniela Barišić, head of office Zvonko Milas and director Marin Knezović. In their speeches they congratulated the organisation on its great success in bringing together over 1,300 members in Skopje and local chapters across Macedonia and expressed their desire to further support its work. Croatian Heritage Foundation director Knezović presented two letter of commendation, one to the Croatian Community in Macedonia and the other to Ljerka Toth Naumova, for their exceptional contribution to the work of the local Croatian community in preserving, developing and promoting Croatian culture.
Croatian Community in Macedonia president Nenad Živković spoke of the founding of the organisation in Macedonia on the 19th of January 1996 at Skopje city hall where its first president Marija Damjanovska was elected. Over the years of its work the organisation has achieved numerous projects aimed at preserving and nurturing Croatian culture, identity and our language. For many years the Croatian Community in Macedonia has organised Croatian language instruction, crowned by the arrival from Croatia of a language teacher to hold classes for children up to the age of 18. Also organised are holiday celebrations, concerts, celebrations for children on St Nicholas day, the publication of the Hrvatska riječ (Croatian Word) newsletter and various exhibitions, poetry reading events and other events. Mr Živković presented plaques to ambassador Daniela Barišić and head of the State Office for Croats Abroad Zvonko Milas.
The event also included a photo projection of the many events staged by the organisation over the years. The Klapa Volosko a cappella ensemble preformed Croatian melodies, transporting the gathered with images of beautiful Croatia. The event closed with a cocktail reception at the Macedonian National Theatre before moving on to the Midnajt discotheque.
Text by: Ljerka Toth Naumova

2- Croatian Community in Macedonia president Nenad Živković
3- The plaque presented to ambassador Daniela Barišić
4- Klapa Volosko performed Croatian melodies