A welcome address from Rab mayor Nikola Grgurić was followed by Jelena Nadinić, the president of the Jadran culture association of Buenos Aires, presenting the work of the Klapa Valovi group out of Argentina. The concert finale saw Klapa Valovi join forces onstage with local Rab ensemble Klapa Anima Arbae.
The June issue of Matica magazine was featured at a presentation hosted at the magical setting of Rab’s St John the Evangelist (Sveti Ivan Evanđelist) church on Saturday the 6th of July. At the packed church were many visitors, including many from the diaspora communities and those who have now resettled in the old country. The June issue focuses on Rab as part of our annual effort to showcase our Adriatic islands. It was an opportunity to hand out copies to those on hand and to better acquaint them with the work of the CHF. The presentation was followed by a concert featuring the Klapa Valovi female a cappella ensemble from Buenos Aires, part of their tour this year of Croatian towns and cities. The tour has been financially supported through the Central State Office for Croats Abroad.
This event was for the CHF an opportunity to highlight its long-standing mission of creating and sustaining bridges between homeland and diaspora Croatia and to happily join its activity with this culture event to everyone’s delight, as was noted in his welcome address by Rab mayor Nikola Grgurić. Jelena Nadinić, the president of the Jadran culture association of the Argentinean capital of Buenos Aires, spoke of the work of the Klapa Valovi group. The concert finale saw Klapa Valovi join forces onstage with local Rab ensemble Klapa Anima Arbae.
By: Ljerka Galic
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