Learning Croatian Through Songs

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A CD aimed at teaching the Croatian language through songs by musician Franco Ferrera Cvitanović, a member of the Croatian Government’s advisory board on Croatians abroad, was presented at the Estadio Croata club in Santiago de Chile. The CD release was financed with funding provided by the Croatian State Office for Croats Abroad.

An album that aims to teach the Croatian language through songs, targeted largely at children, was presented at the Estadio Croata club in Santiago de Chile on the 23rd of September. The CD release was financed with funding provided by the Croatian State Office for Croats Abroad. It is available free to all as a didactic tool.

Renowned musician Franco Ferrera Cvitanović has composed songs to help learn while having fun. Ferrera Cvitanović has a number of albums already under his belt, including a disco rock album nominated as the best in Chile for an award conferred by the journalists’ association. Ferrera Cvitanović is currently recording his first album with compositions for classical guitar. At the Estadio Croata club he leads the section for culture and has founded a vocal ensemble, an a cappella klapa band and the Nova Luka dance troupe. He is also a member of the Croatian Government’s advisory board on Croatians abroad. While in Croatia he has performed in Split.


“It was several months of intensive work, with many sacrifices. My greatest joy is knowing that it will be a great encouragement to the Croatian community to preserve the Croatian language,” Franco said, adding that, “The CD has one hundred Croatian words, and after learning how to say them anyone can master the basics of communication. The intention is that this serve as an encouragement for further learning of the Croatian language.”

The songs teach how to greet people, how to order in a restaurant, how to introduce oneself, numbers and much more.

The album can be found on YouTube, and people can learn how to pronounce and write many words. They are given in green if pronounced the same way in Spanish and in red if not.
(Branka Bezić Filipović)

Saludos (greetings)
Vamos de paseo (Let’s go for a walk)
Restaurante (in the restaurant)
La familia (in the family)
Mi abuelo (my grandfather)
Los colores (colours)
Ser o estar (to be)
Los números (numbers)
Los animales (animals)
Antónimos (antonyms)

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