Jevišovka Croatian Culture Centre cornerstone ceremony

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The ceremonial laying of the cornerstone for the renovation and expansion of the Croatian Culture Centre was held in the south Moravian town of Jevišovka. The centre is to include a Croatian Civic Centre and a Moravian Croatian museum.

The ceremonial laying of the cornerstone for the renovation and expansion of the Croatian Culture Centre was held in the south Moravian town of Jevišovka on the 30th of April. The centre is to include a Croatian Civic Centre and a Moravian Croatian museum. This unique centre will aim to preserve the heritage of the indigenous Croatian community in the region. The construction is to be funded with funds approved by the Czech government (approx. 600 thousand euro) on land procured for the Moravian Croatian community by the Croatian government.
The cornerstone was laid by Czech government minister for human rights, equal opportunities and legislation Jiri Dienstbier, Croatian ambassador to the Czech Republic Ines Troha Brdar, Member of Croatian Parliament for the Czech and Slovak minorities Vladimir Bilek and Jaroslav Klaška, the head of the Czech-Croatian friendship group in the Czech parliament. Taking part in the ceremony on behalf of the Croatian Heritage Foundation were director Marin Knezović and the heads of the CHF departments for culture and the section for minorities, Srebrenka Šeravić and Marija Hećimović respectively.

The gathered were welcomed by Jan Kopriva, the president of the Association of Ethnic Croatian Citizens in the Czech Republic (the principal organisation in the renovation and expansion of the Croatian Culture Centre), Minister Dienstbier, Ambassador Troha Brdar (as the special envoy of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović), Messrs Bilek and Klaška and Milan Pospíšil, the president of the Czech government’s advisory body on national minorities.
The cornerstone laying ceremony was followed with a reception at the Croatian Civic Centre in Jevišovka.

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