Wednesdays at the CHF: Katarina Abović Oyarzun

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Through an interesting discussion moderated by Ljerka Galic we got to know this Chilean painter, a fourth-generation Croatian immigrant. During her stay in Zagreb she was provided a room in which to work at the CHF where she painted tirelessly every day.


After the summer break the CHF hosted the first autumn and this year’s last Wednesdays and the CHF event. On November 7 we played host to Katarina Abović Oyarzun, a Chilean painter and fourth generation Croatian immigrant. 

Ljerka Galic i Katarina AbovićOn hand for our meeting with Katarina, one of the youngest guests to date, were regular visitors of this CHF project. In an interesting one-hour discussion, moderated by host Ljerka Galic, we learned about our guest and her roots and discovered that she has successfully mastered the Croatian language. The Croatian identity has been preserved in the family through stories, and a love for Croatia was passed on to her by her father Nicolas.
Katarina’s great-grandfather moved to Chile from Boka Kotorska in 1914, and her great-grandmother from Slano in 1918. They met in the Chilean town of Antofagasta and established a family in Valparaiso. Katarina was born in Santiago in 1988 where she completed her studies of the visual arts at the Catholic University and went on to earn her post-graduate degree in art pedagogy at the Gabriela Mistral University. She has exhibited her work at group exhibitions in Antofagasta and Santiago, and has been in Zagreb since the beginning of the year thanks to a Croatian language study scholarship at the Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb.

Publika je pozorno pratila posljednju ovogodišnju tribinu During her stay in Zagreb she was provided a room in which to work at the CHF where she painted tirelessly every day. The paintings she has completed in Zagreb and those from Chile will be presented at the Two Homelands exhibition opening at the Croatian Heritage Foundation on Thursday, 8 November.

Text by: Željka Lešić; Photos by: Snježana Radoš

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