At the opening of the exhibition Dubičanac expressed his satisfaction that Dubrovnik was the venue for his third exhibition in the homeland. This successful artist, architect and professor of art history and architecture lives and works in Ottawa.
Croatian-Canadian artist Tomislav Dubičanac’s Floating World exhibition opened at Dubrovnik’s Luža Square this June 15th.Tomislav Dubičanac was born in Croatia, and currently lives in the Canadian capital of Ottawa. He is a successful artist, architect and professor of art history and architecture. At the opening of the exhibition he expressed his satisfaction that Dubrovnik was the venue for his third exhibition in the homeland.
The exhibition is organised by the Dubrovnik branch office of the Croatian Heritage Foundation and was declared open by CHF director Marin Knezović. See the photo gallery at successful artist earned his master’s degree at the University of Detroit in Michigan. He has worked in Osaka and Tokyo in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Switzerland and Italy. His paintings have been exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and at galleries in Vancouver, New York and Minneapolis in Minnesota.
Tomislav Dubičanac continues his investigation of modernism in architecture and painting, new technologies and visual depictions in painting and collage.
He places the content of a painting in an undefined space of a surreal subject matter into which he has drifted far over the frontier of the real into enigmatic visual symbols created in his subconscious in which he finds and problematises tales from memories of his many voyages across the world. In the titles of the works he confirms that they are in fact derived from his dreams.
In his 1984 work Still Life (Mrtva priroda) he applies acrylic paint to a canvas to create a frieze in five black squares of narratively connected scenes in the manner of a cartoon strip’s scene format in a wondrous atmosphere of minimal visual media that portends the ephemeral quality of human existence, i.e. its most prominent attribute.
(Zdravko Dvojković)