Dubravko Naumov exhibition opens at CHF

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O slikarevu opusu, koji prvi put izlaže u domovini svoje majke, govorila je mr kulturologije Antoaneta Štefančić iz Skopja

The Good Bye Infinitive exhibition first saw the light of day at the salon of the Macedonian embassy in Paris, followed by a showing in Brussels and at the leading culture events in Macedonia—the Skopje Summer and Ohrid Summer events.

An exhibition of the Good Bye Infinitive series by Dubravko Naumov, a Canadian painter born in Skopje, Macedonia opened at the Croatian Heritage Foundation in Zagreb on May 15th.
The gathered were greeted by CHF director Marin Knezović, with culturologist Antoaneta Štefančić of Skopje on hand to speak of the painter’s oeuvre. This is the first time the painter has exhibited in his mother’s homeland.

“The oeuvre opens with the Princesses series over a decade ago. His analogy reveals an existential message related to the internal struggle between the artist and the triviality of everyday life. Princesses, observes Naumov, by the determinants of their social status and function, share the same fate as artists, passively following its unbending daily protocol, just like verbs in the infinitive: undetermined and unformed. Dubravko’s long genesis has evolved through several stages before finally reaching the point of liberation, when princesses take control of their fate and fly high above the clouds in the Good Bye Infinitive project,” notes Antoaneta Štefančić. 

Academy educated painter Dubravko Naumov’s Good Bye Infinitive exhibition first saw the light of day at the salon of the Macedonian embassy in Paris, followed by a showing in Brussels and at the leading culture events in Macedonia—the Skopje Summer and Ohrid Summer events. The artist currently lives and works in Toronto.
Also on hand to address the gathered was the president of the Macedonian National Minority Council Tome Apostoloski, with Macedonian Ambassador to Croatia Daniela Karagjozoska declaring the exhibition officially open. Ljerka Galic, the head of our emigrant heritage department, moderated the programme. Violoncellist Stanislav Kovačić provided musical interludes.
Dubravko Naumov addressed the gathered from Toronto via phone, greeting everyone and expressing his thanks to all those who made the exhibition possible.

Also on hand for the opening were Municipality of Rešetari mayor Zlatko Aga, the president of the Rešetari Literary & Art Society Ivan De Villa, the president of the Spectrum Macedonian-Croatian Association Slavica Koretić, writer Đuro Vidmarović, recognised Croatian-Macedonian poet and the painter’s mother Ljerka Totch-Naumova, the secretary of the Committee on Croatians Abroad Mišo Munivrana, representatives of the ministries, culture institutions and many art enthusiasts.

Text by: Željka Lešić; Photos by: Snježana Radoš

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