This valuable book, which tells the stories of well-known Croatians abroad, was presented by Boris Brkić, Mate Grbavac and the author.
Dr Ante Čuvalo’s book Hrvati u svijetu – 101 životopis za školarce (i roditelje) (Croatians Abroad – 101 Biographies for School Children (and Parents)) was presented on the 17th of February at Ljubuški city hall (
This valuable book, which tells the stories of well-known Croatians abroad, was presented by Boris Brkić, Mate Grbavac and the author.
The presentation was hosted by the Ljubuški chapter of the Napredak Croatian Culture Association and moderated by Anamaria Nosić. Offering a musical interlude were Anđela and Stipe Čuvalo, pupils attending the Ljubuški Music School. The book covers were illustrated by pupils Simona Barišić, Antonija Ćuže and Petra Grbavac. The book, published by CroLibertas of Chicago, was dedicated by Čuvalo to poet Krešimir Šego. (