CHF Promotion of the 2013 Pannonian Chronicle

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Predstavljači jubilarnog izdanja ravnatelj mr. sc. Marin Knezović, povjesničar prof. dr. sc. Željko Holjevac, kroatologinja prof. dr. sc. Sanja Vulić; geograf dr. sc. Tomislav Jelić, urednik dr. sc. Robert Hajszan i moderatorica skupa Vesna Kukavica, voditeljica Odjela za nakladništvo HMI-ja

On hand to speak about the jubilee chronicle were CHF director Marin Knezović MSc, historian and professor Željko Holjevac DSc, Croatist and professor Sanja Vulić DSc, geographer Tomislav Jelić DSc and the volume’s editor Robert Hajszan DSc.

The Pannonian Chronicle, a multilingual serial publication of the Pannonian Institute of Pinkovac (Güttenbach), was promoted at the CHF on Wednesday, 6 November. On hand to speak about the chronicle were Croatian Heritage Foundation director Marin Knezović MSc, historian and professor Željko Holjevac DSc, Croatist and professor Sanja Vulić DSc, geographer Tomislav Jelić DSc and the volume’s editor Robert Hajszan DSc. The presentation of this valuable publication was moderated by Vesna Kukavica, head of the CHF department for publishing.
The Pannonian Chronicle, published by the Pannonian Institute of the Austrian town of Pinkovac, was launched in 1993. This year’s volume covers 544 pages, while the complete series has to date spanned almost a thousand pages on which dozens of eminent authors have written on subjects of contemporary interest from the cultural and societal life of the Croatian people on Pannonian soil.
As it has to date, this year’s jubilee edition of the chronicle covers a number of topical areas. It was edited by Croatian historian and philologist Robert Hajszan DSc, who founded the Pannonian Institute in his native town of Pinkovac two decades ago with the objective of strengthening cultural and publishing activity among the Croatians of southern Gradišće (Burgenland).
The objective of the Pannonian Chronicle is to promote better coexistence and understanding among the Central European nations of related cultural heritage in the Pannonian sphere. Articles appearing in the Pannonian Chronicle are published in the contemporary Standard Croatian, in the Croatian Standard based on the Čakavian dialect used by the Croatians of Gradišće and in the German, Hungarian and Slovenian languages.

Text by: Željka Lešić; Photos by: Snježana Radoš

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