
Data base on Croatian folklore and tamburitza ensembles

The CHF Department of Culture is launching a new project – to create a central database on all Croatian folklore and tamburitza ensembles and klapa…

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In This Issues

Hola – Croatian Language & Culture Instruction project in Latin America

April-July, August-November, Zagreb (preparations), Argentina and Chile   Organisers: Croatian Heritage Foundation and HOLA – Young Hispanicists' Association of the University of…

Croatian Days for Children, Youth and Teachers

A workshop on learning and teaching Croatian as a second language   Staged to date: Croatian Week in Sweden Little…

Winter School of Croatian Folklore – 3rd to 12th of January 2018

DANCES OF THE ALPINE REGIONHotel Podravina, Koprivnica, 3rd to 12th of January 2018

The CHF photo album

We are collecting material for the future Croatian Emigrants' Museum, and the digitalised photographs will be published in Matica magazine,…

December 2023

Enterprise Magazine


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