Bishop Dobrila honoured in Trieste

The commemoration of this great Istrian bishop was organised by the Croatian…

85 years of Sokol of Antofagasta

The anniversary was cause for celebration, and in collaboration with the CHF…

Christmas issue of Matica magazine

The latest issue of Matica magazine includes articles on the Croatian Minorities…

The history of Croatian literature in Spanish

The Spanish language edition of academician Dubravko Jelčić's History of Croatian Literature…

Kravata Group anniversary exhibition

The Kravata association of Croatian artists in Switzerland includes Iris Grandić-Smokvina, Sibila…

Traditional Croatian jewellery in Bosnia-Herzegovina at the CHF

The exhibits are from the ethnographic collection of the Carmel of St…

Mate Kliković decorated

The long time general secretary of the Croatian Culture Association and the…

Citizens of Ston visit Kotor

Members of the church choir of Sveti Vlaho parish in the town…

18th Croatian Minorities Forum

Serving as chief rapporteur and moderator of the gathering was Robert Skenderović,…

Autumn issue of Matica magazine available

This year's eleventh issue features articles on a new volume of the…

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